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Regular ListingPsiholog Sibiu |
Bine te-am gasit prieten drag. Eu sunt Andrei Iordachescu, am 37 de ani si sunt psiholog si psihoterapeut certificat de catre Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania. Am cabinetul in Sibiu, dar lucrand si online ma poti gasi aici, ori de cate ori te confrunti cu o problema psiho-emotionala, specifica vremurilor in care traim, si nu numai. Se spune ca o problema, oricat de complicata ar fi ea, nu mai are aceeasi putere asupra omului, daca acesta se elibereaza de ea. Cu alte cuvinte, daca in primul rand o constientizeaza, adica o recunoaste si apoi o spune, intr-un cadru autorizat, unde sa se simta in siguranta, nejudecat, inteles si sprijinit prin metode psihoterapeutice consacrate. - Website Details
Regular Listingmental health clinic London |
Counselling and talking therapy is offered in a confidential and compassionate space. We will walk beside you as you look at how your experience affects you and impacts your daily life. With your therapist you can spend time understanding the thoughts, beliefs and values that contribute to feeling anxious. This process helps to regain a sense of control that enables you to manage your anxiety so that you are better able to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life. - Website Details

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# September 2017 : Website under new owner, redesigned, relaunched.
# September 2017 : All past listings are pending review again. To many low quality submissions. They will appear in the future, the ones that are good.